High Resolution Photography and Workflow management

PO Box 960, Sebastopol, California 95473

RESUME UPDATED December 19, 2011

TAGS (partial list)

gigapan, high resolution imaging, maker, portrait, archiving,, mapping, geospatial analysis, georeferenced audio, kml/google earth, flickr api, time hacker, perl, geowanker, gps, mysql, postgis, linux, osx, apache, photo, google maps, author Mapping Hacks, Google Maps Hacks, openapis, ajax, community networking, wifi, nocat, dorkbot

(these identify skills, aptitudes, and interests, and do a pretty good job of locating me in meme space).


My strongest skill is my ability to solve hard problems with creative solutions. I have strong database, hypertext, and systems skills with twenty years of success solving computer problems in different industries. Broad based expert level skills in PC projects, including integrating heterogeneous systems, World Wide Web, external and internal networks, databases, and applications software.


To use my energy, inventiveness, and idiosyncratic ways of looking at the world in the service of compelling projects. One current interest is in using Perl, and other tools to create systems for the acquisition, management, and presentation of information with a geographic component.


  • Software Engineering - 15+ years experience designing, building, and implementing complex mission critical systems on a variety of platforms.
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  • Perl - eight years, five+ years full time. Perl makes me happy. Happy is good. Experienced with Perl DBI, and strong object oriented Perl (OO Perl). Two CPAN modules to my name, aided with Geo::PROJ4
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  • AJAX, Javascript and Google Maps see an image georeferencer in Javascript using Google Maps
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  • Excellent theoretical and practical relational database skills and understanding including using the Perl DBI and Perl Win32::ODBC modules to talk with MySQL, PostGIS (PostgreSQL with Geospatial Extensions), Oracle, and SQL Server. Seven years experience using Perl with MySQL.
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  • Strong Linux (Fedora, some Debian), FreeBSD and OSX skills.
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  • Experience with Geospatial applications: GRASS, Mapserver, PostGIS, GPSBabel, GDAL, PROJ.4, Shapelib, etc
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  • Skilled in HTML, Java, and CGI programming, enough C/C++ to understand code and make fixes.
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  • Experienced with Allaire's Cold Fusion.
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  • Strong understanding of the 'information architecture' needs of complex database-driven web sites. Nine years experience with Foxpro/Foxbase, fluent in Visual Basic and Access (including the Data Access Object) and SQL.
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  • Expert with DOS, Windows, Novell, and PC Networking administration and management.
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  • Experienced with Adobe Photoshop and other image manipulation tools.




Gigapanner Carnegie Melon University - Sep 2008 - Nov 2011
  • Ongoing outreach, education, and evangelism: presented GigaPan project at conferences and events including OReilly Emerging Technology Conference, Maker Faire, Where 2.0, WhereCamp, Maker Faire. Created ongoing display of GigaPan images in the MuseumsQuartier, Vienna Austria.
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  • GigaPan Stitching Farm: developed distributed system for distributing GigaPan stitching over multiple client machines allowing repeated regression testing to be completed more quickly.
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  • Micro/Nano GigaPan: Stitching microscope photography to create explorable views of small objects. Created prototype system to retrofit existing manual microscopes to capture focus stacked mosaic images.
Consulting Senior Engineer - Nov 2006 - Present
  • Working on implementing social search on Mass Media and blog news sources. Please email or call for details.
Chief Scientist  Locative Technologies 2002 - ongoing
  • Rich is chief scientist at Locative Technologies, a Bay Area-based startup engaged in enterprises related to geoinformatics and digital cartography, with a heavy emphasis on Open Source software, collaborative/community cartography, policy activism, and public sector service.
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  • Cofounded, and run, web site which provides geocoding of US Addresses (enter an address and get back a latitude and longitude). Supports 5-10 million address lookups a month with free access for non profit groups. Top Google result for term free geocoding. Second result (after Wikipedia) for geocoding.
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  • Consulting and programming for clients using Perl, MySQL, Apache.
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  • Geographer of Story: developed tools to enable geo-spatially enabled story telling. Maps tell stories, but you need tools in order to capture and develop those stories.
Software Engineer  Financial Research Firm, Santa Rosa California, September 2002 - July 2005
  • Completely reengineered system for delivering financial research.
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  • Created complete Intranet system for the collection, processing, and presentation of Financial Research
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  • Generated research as PDF's using the Apache Formatting Objects Parser
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  • Worked with FreeBSD/Linux/Apache/Perl/MySQL/OS X/Retrospect/Filemaker
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  • Details available on request
Software Engineer   Zappos.Com, San Francisco, California January 2001-September 2002 is "The web's most popular shoe store."

  • Implemented UPS 'Return on the Web' functionality which allows people to print their own UPS shipping labels for their returned shoes.
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  • Wrote and implemented system to allow payments with the Military 'Star Card.'
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  • Worked with custom credit card systems
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  • Implemented various other tools
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  • Worked with FreeBSD/Linux/Apache/ModPerl/MySQL
Programmer   PlanetClick.Com Denver, Colorado April-August 2000

(PlanetClick developed a rather cool open directory database system before the Board made the decision that they could not afford to fund the company long enough to prove the business model. C'est le vie.)

  • Developed 'FrameLogic' (tm by someone) code. This combined a CGI proxy with traditional frame code in order to carry the Planet Click 'rate and review' options along on a web session.
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  • Worked with Solaris and Linux/Apache/ModPerl/Oracle
Consultant   Golden, Colorado 1997-2000
  • Worked on 'Webbification' of existing business simulation game. The game is a training tool used by a large international company. The project to bring this to the web was co-funded by the Italian government as an experiment in bringing new teaching methods to the web. The game itself involves approximately 6,500 lines of Perl, 70 HTML template pages (for each language), 39 data entry forms, and 3,000 distinct variables for each game period, for each participating user.
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  • Created zip code proximity lookup program for e-commerce site. The program is derived from my freely available zip code lookup at
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  • Created Survey Reporting Program using Visual Basic 6.0. The program is a report generator that allows users to create formatted reports from data collected by a stand alone survey device. Features included fully customized reports, filters by report values, and normal, crosstab, and graphical views of the data. The program makes extensive use of the data access object (DAO).
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  • Designed and wrote programs and databases for medical database of 10,000 images using Cold Fusion and Perl. Created shopping cart and e-commerce interfaces.
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  • Wrote integrated web form processing system in Perl for product registration cards.
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  • Created various Web sites, and back end web site programming. Also assisted with class 'Web Programming 3410/4410' (HTML/CGI/Perl/Java) at University of Denver.
Contract Database Programmer   Westminster, Colorado 1997-1998
  • Maintained, upgraded, and improved Foxpro and Access database programs for Real Estate 'BPO' processing. Also used Perl to prototype database supported Internet/Intranet site for data collection and dissemination via the Web.
Manager of Information Services, Berger Associates   Denver, Colorado 1993-1997
  • Designed, built, supported, and maintained heterogeneous Novell, Windows NT 3.5 and 4.0 network including remote TCP/IP dial up capability and Intranet web server.
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  • Created and maintained a 1.5 million record prospect database using Foxpro. Originally designed for 100 calls per day, was able to handle up to 6000 new prospects per day entered by up to 20 telephone representatives.
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  • Designed and wrote programs to automatically download, index, and convert reports from our transfer agent into HTML for distribution on our Intranet.
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  • Installed multiple line Direct Inward Dial fax server on our Windows NT network and managed AT&T Definity Phone Switch and Intuity Audix.
President, Poor Richard's Computers   Lakewood, Colorado 1987-1993
  • Ran successful computer consulting company providing sales, support, service, and custom programming (using Dbase, Foxpro, Visual Basic and C) for PC's and PC based networks.
Programmer, EBS Mechdata/AMS Realstar   Denver, Colorado 1987
  • Maintained a 500,000+ line Real Estate office management system in UCSD Pascal.

email: Older Resumes

(the older resumes are up because they are part of the story of who I am.)
