Rich Gibson Resume

Thu 05 October 2023: About

Richard Gibson

Software developer, Data researcher, Digital Cartographer, GigaPanner, General Tinkerer

California, USA * * (415) 891-7266

Most Popular Skills



Databases and Cloud


  • Python
  • Django
  • Flask
  • Jupyter
  • Pandas
  • GeoPandas
  • Docker

  • Precisely
  • LightBox
  • Ookla
  • American Community Survey
  • SafeGraph
  • FCC 477 Data Collection
  • FCC Broadband Now Data
  • ISP filings
  • BigQuery
  • Google Cloud
  • PostGIS
  • Crunchy Data
  • AWS, RDS

  • GDAL
  • QGIS
  • Foursquare Studio
  • ETL with spatial and non spatial data

Additional Skills: Modern dev tools (GitHub, CI,  testing), Columnar data (Parquet, DuckDB), Linux/etc command line tools, Airflow, GraphQ, I’ve spent most of my time with data and in the back end but I have been a Full Stack developer and I still no how to look at the developer tools in the browser. GeoServer and GeoNode. Ran (A US Geocoder) for 10+ years). High resolution (gigapixel and up) processing and pipelines.

Previous Experience

Hexvarium - Sr. Software Engineer and Data Researcher

(also Paxio, OpenFiber, and  Open5G)

May 2017 - June 2023

Competitive data research for national fiber initiatives, Digital cartography, ISP filing, Stakeholder presentations, Software development

Rigel Pharmaceuticals - Software Engineer

Dec 2015 - Nov 2016

Worked with a Django applications using MySQL and MongoDB to manage microscope images and immunotherapy

research pipeline.

Scale Independent Imaging – Founder & Developer

January 2015 – November 2016

Built a macro scale high resolution imaging lab allowing focus stacked and stitched high-resolution images (GigaPans)

Brave New Talent - Developer

April 2014 – June 2014

Developed code and implemented tests for large SOA knowledge-sharing platform. Integrated external services and datasources and content search with Elastic Search

Eyegorithm - Director of Engineering

November 2012 – July 2013

Software Engineering in Python/Django. Translated ideas of stakeholders into prototype web code.

Carnegie Mellon University at NASA Ames Research Center - 'Gigapanner' and Software Engineer

September 2008 – November 2011

Led GigaPan project with CMU CREATE Lab and NASA's Intelligent Robotics Group. Developed client-server Stitching Farm in Django to simplify regression testing. Designed and built hardware kit to automate manual microscopes in Explorable Microscopy project.

Meadan - Senior Engineer

May 2007 – September 2007·

Designed and implemented architecture for initial Meedan systems in Ruby on Rails

O’Reilly Media – Author

Co-authored Mapping Hacks: Tips & Tools for Electronic Cartography (2005)

Contriubed to Wireless Hacks: Tips & Tools for Building, Extending, and Securing Your Network (2005)

Co-authored Google Maps Hacks (2006)

Presented at multiple conferences, including O'Reilly's Open Source Conference (OSCON) - Software Engineer

January 2001 – August 2002  

Full stack developer for Perl-based Zappos system, implemented payment by Military STAR Card and first instance of UPS return on web functionality.

Hobbies and Interests 

So many, just ask!
